About Us
Prior to establishing the firm of Wolf and Associates, Alex Wolf had a career as a property manager and real estate broker. His over 35 years of experience with the New York metropolitan area's real estate market led to a real estate law practice in residential and commercial transactions, including commercial lease negotiations and counseling cooperative and condominium. Additionally, the firm represents institutional lenders financing real estate acquistions. As a transactional/contracts lawyer, Alex Wolf expanded his firm's practice areas to include business law, assisting entrepreneurs in forming new businesses and representing clients in the purchase or sale of established businesses; negotiating commercial contracts and Shareholder/Partnership Agreements.
Because many clients first recognize the necessity for estate planning after acquiring real estate or owning a business, Wolf & Associates developed a trusts and estates practice by first serving its real estate and business clients through will drafting, creating trusts and drafting instruments such as advance health care directives. We are a diverse transactional practice representing real estate clients, business start-ups, existing businesses, and serving our clients estate planning objectives. Additionally, we handle dispute resolution through arbitration & mediation.